Grading Information

Explaining how the different grades work

Grading Overview

In 2023, we wrote and had approved our own nationally recognised Universal Syllabus, you can find out more about this in the grades explained section of this document. This syllabus is exclusive to Kazoku-Kan Judo Academy and is not to be used without written consent from the Head of the club.

At Kazoku-Kan Judo Club we usually offer the opportunity for everyone to grade three times a year, often in March, September and December. This means that you can pass 3 MON or KYU grades in a 12 month period. We feel this allows players to progress at a steady pace and allows them to assimilate the new techniques/skills they learn and incorporate them into their judo. Players taking up the sport at age 12 or older can “fast track” up to 6th mon in the first year of holding a BMABA licence, i.e. grade 1st-3rd mon then 4th-6th mon over two gradings or any combination up to 6th mon in the 12 month period.

Kano Award Grades

The Kano Award Grades are grading awards which focus on developing fundamental movement skills for 4 to 7 year olds and SEN players of level 5. This grading pathway focuses on fun packed activities to develop the child’s fundamental skills, judo specific techniques, break-falls and social skills. The Kano Award grade system comprises of 9 award levels each represented by a different colour belt, designed to reward young players and SEN level 5 players while they develop fundamental physical, technical, social and psychological skills.

Once a player has turned 8 years of age they move onto the Mon grading scheme.

Mon Grades

A Majority of our junior judoka will be Mon grades. Mon grades are for ages 7 - 17 and provide a nicely structured way to learn the core techniques of judo.

The syllabus is the same as for the adult "kyu" grades but the gradings are done in more bite-sized chunks, making the learning more accessible for the younger judo player.

Whilst we encourage everyone to take an interest and understand what is required for their syllabus at home, practising the judo techniques themselves should only be done at the judo session under the tuition of a qualified coach.

For these grades, each time a grading is passed the judoka is awarded an extra stripe on their belt. The belts then progress in colour after each third stripe is earned. The belt colours follow in the same order as the adult (kyu) belt system: White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue and Brown. Links to the syllabus and grading videos are shown below. Don't forget - only practise judo in the safety of your club, under the supervision of your coach and instructing team.

Kyu Grades

All senior judoka that do not have a Dan grade are known as kyu grades. Kyu grades provide a structured way to learn the core techniques of judo. Whilst we encourage everyone to take an interest and understand what is required for their syllabus at home, practising the judo techniques themselves should only be done at the judo session under the tuition of a qualified coach.

Our Grading and Belt System explained

Kano Pathway

(White with a solid colour running through the centre.)

Our Syllabus for the Kano Pathway is catered for ages 4 - 8 years old, grades usually take place every 3 calendar months, each grade is represented by a coloured strip that threads through the centre of the belt surrounded by white. By the time the student reaches the age of 8, they will move onto our Universal Syllabus.

Universal Syllabus - Juniors

White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown accompanied by coloured tags of the next grade. (White +2 Tags for example)

Our Universal Syllabus, which is exclusive to Kazoku-Kan Judo Academy, was written and introduced so that all students, Junior and Senior would all learn from the same Syllabus without deviation or an order that would separate them. The Junior grade system is the only differing element. Grades begin at White, then a coloured tag would be awarded per grade every 3 months. As students go into the higher grades, the junior grades stop at Brown +3 tags, ready to venture into the Senior grades at the age of 16. All tags represent a single grade - 1 tag = 1 grade

Universal Syllabus - Seniors

White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown, Dan Grade.

Senior grades are always represented by a solid colour without tags. Between white and orange belt, gradings are carried out every 3 months. From Orange to Green is 6 months, Green to Blue is 8 months, Blue to brown is 12 months and a minimum of 12 months between brown and Black (1st Dan)

SEN Syllabus & Interim Pathway - All ages

White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown. With a maximum of 6 coloured tags per grade.

The tags are all separate grades for the student. The reason we apply this method is to make sure that our SEN and students who may be under the age for the Junior syllabus but are finding the Kano Pathway too easy, are taking time to learn the syllabus enough to proceed up to the next tag. A 6 tag system means that each grade can take but not limited to 18 months to complete until the next belt colour can be awarded. I hope this helps to understand how our pathways are designed and if you have any questions, please feel free to message us.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.